アートノト │ 東京芸術文化相談サポートセンター



Entry Form


(* If you wish to remain anonymous, please write “Anonymous,” a name you are willing to be called (such as “Mr. A”), or a nickname.)

Email addressrequired

Email address (Confirm)required

(* Enter the same email address as above.)

Phone number (For use if you cannot be reached by email)required

(* Non-hyphenated)

Location of your activities

Activity type (Select one.)required

Activity Type (Select one.)

Job category, etc.(Select one.)required

Job Category, etc. (Select one.)

Your general field of activity(Select one.)required

Your general field of activity

Topic(s) on which you would like to consult(Multiple selections allowed)required

Topic(s) on which you would like to consult

Specific details relevant to the consultationrequired

How you learned about the Consultation Service(Multiple selections allowed)

How you learned about the Consultation Service
Agreement About Use of the Consultation Service

* If you have already set up your email spam filter or set domain-specific reception settings, please ensure that the domains for the auto-response email (@artnoto.jp) and emails from our consultants (@artscouncil-tokyo.jp) are registered. If you do not register these domains, you may not receive important emails from the Consultation Service.

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